BAKS - experienced manufacturer of carrying systems

Company homepage: Cable ladders system

More than 25 years of professional experience and at the same time implementation of modern technological solutions and modernization of the machinery used, makes BAKS company a reliable manufacturer. In the offer you will find for instance cable ladder, tray system, mounting profiles and many more!!!

Local tours from Cracow

Company homepage: Local tours from Cracow

We also encourage you to read our promotions tables: local tours in Cracow - hotel prices once prices represent our core offer, which continues to complement a special bonus for our regular customers or additional interest associated with the commemorative events taking place in our city. In short - if you are interested in a comfortable and cheap accommodation in Cracow, you could not get better.

Flap, two-lever and throttle plug versions

Company homepage: Check Valve

Uncontrolled backflow of fluid in the pipes is a real and frequent problem in industrial installations. Check valves help with optimally slowing down the medium, increasing the efficiency of the system as a result. We prepared versions with throttle plug, two-level, flap, ball and more - all manufactured according to the industry standards.

Law firm Poland

Company homepage: Law firm Poland

Looking for reliable, experienced law firm in Baltic Sea Region? Visit Magnusson website and become one of satisfied Clients! The professionals working in the company provide excellent quality services and always meet the highest expectations of diverse entrepreneurs or public institutions. Feel free to contact the company specialists.

Luminaires and busbars

Company homepage: color led light strips

Our shop proviedes you with all the accessories that you need to design your apartment or an office in a way that suits you best. In order to create an intimate atmospheare it is recommended to use color LED light strips. You can install them on the ceiling, furniture, walls, underneath the windowstill. Certain models can be used outdoors.

Car interior makeovers

Company homepage: Customised cars

If you’re looking for high-quality vehicles that will make your heart throb, our offer is just for you. Our customized cars are the best way to make you stand out. Over the years we’ve improved many luxurious interiors to satisfy every single client’s needs. It is through these machines that we express our artistic minds.

L'équipement des églises

Company homepage: Vêtements sacerdotaux

L'offre de notre boutique en ligne unique s'adresse aux membres du clergé qui recherchent des vêtements sacerdotaux adaptés à chaque période de l'année liturgique, mais aussi pour des cérémonies spéciales. Notre assortiment comprend également des produits tels que : drapeaux, baldaquin, soutanes, robe de choeur et bien plus encore.

Consultation with skin diagnosis

Company homepage: Beauty consultant

Learn more about yourself and find out how to properly take care of your skin! Our beauty consultant will help you choose the right products and treatments to either tackle a specific concern or generally improve the condition of your skin. Book your consultation with skin diagnosis at our skincare clinic!

Abrasive accessories

Company homepage: CBS discs

Grinding has never been so easy and efficient. Our innovative product - CBS discs - makes even the most difficult tasks easier. The grinding articles available on our site are extremely durable, guaranteeing long-lasting use. They also provide unparalleled results while maintaining safety and comfort. Don't let the wrong equipment inhibit your capabilities. Take advantage of our grinding solutions and experience the difference that quality accessories guarantee.

Recykling materiałów

Company homepage: ECO-TERM Thermo PVC Profile

Poszukujesz wyjątkowej jakości i ekologicznych rozwiązań w budownictwie? ECO-TERM Thermo PVC Profile to Klucz do nowoczesnego, wysokoenergooszczędnego domu! Nasze produkty charakteryzują się nie tylko doskonałą izolacją termiczną, ale również niezrównaną trwałością. Wybierając toe, zyskujesz nie tylko komfort, ale także pewność, że twój dom jest bezpiecznie chroniony przed utratą ciepła nawet w najbardziej surowe zimy. Inwestuj w przyszłość swojego domu. Dołącz do grona zadowolonych klientów - zdecyduj się na profesjonalizm i doświadczenie naszego zespołu!